Thursday, January 29, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday to Kyle Dee!

He's one and I can't believe it!  How did he live through this first year?  Greg and I must have done something right.  I'm so happy (and a little sad).  He's never going to be my tiny baby anymore, but I am so looking forward to all of the new things he will do.   He actually, really waved at Greg last night (multiple times).  It was purposeful instead of an afterthought.  Now, if we can just get him to walk...

He's going to get to tear into his first cupcake today.  I'll be sure to take lots of pictures.....

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

One Day To Go!

Only one day until Kyle's 1st Birthday!  I can't believe that he'll be a year already!  I've been busy with his birthday party preparations.  He's having a party here in Houston at our apartment tomorrow.  We are having some of Greg's medical school friends over to have some snacks and cupcakes.

Of course his big, birthday bash will be on Sunday at my parent's house.  He has no idea what's in store.  I just hope he naps well so he can have fun and not be cranky!

I'm off to start on the cupcakes!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

First Haircut!!!

We took Kyle to get his first haircut last weekend.  We went to one of those kiddie places.  It was okay, but for what she did (basically trimmed his bangs), it was a little expensive.  I think that I'll take care of his hair from now on, as long as it's the bangs that need trimming.  

Here is the before:

The immediate after (still wet and combed):

Finally, here he is with it dry and unstyled (the way it usually looks):

Greg and I have decided that he looks like Jim Carrey's character (Lloyd Christmas) from the movie Dumb and Dumber.
Lloyd Christmas Pictures, Images and Photos 

Here are a few more pics from this past week....

Kyle swinging at the park:

Playing on the door of the dishwasher:

And finally, playing basketball:

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Nekkid Boy!

I couldn't resist taking picture of Kyle's little bum-bum last night after his bath.  He has a yucky diaper rash that we were trying to air out.  What baby doesn't like being naked?  His streaking lasted about 10 minutes and ended with him peeing on the door of the oven.  At least he peed on the tile and not the carpet!


