Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sophie's Surgery

Our sweet, Sophie had surgery this past Saturday to repair her torn ACL in her left knee. She had hurt it back in February while running and playing in the front yard. She was doing well, but it would get aggravated when she became very active and played. We decided to take her to College Station to have Greg's old college roommate, Kyle Bostick repair it. Kyle is an Aggie Vet and owns his own practice in Aggieland.

The surgery was routine and went smoothly. Greg was even able to watch. The kids and I hung out with Kyle's wife, Shaina, and their 13-month-old daughter, Kylee. Kyle and Kylee had a lot of fun. Kylee is such a tiny cutie and is very feisty. She bossed Kyle around all day.

Sophie spent the night at the vet clinic and Greg picked her up on Sunday. She is restricted to her crate for 2 weeks. She has 13 staples in her incision which Greg will take out after 10 days.

She has anti-inflammatory and pain meds, so she is comfortable. We do range-of-motion exercises with her knee three times a day and let her out and cuddle with her when the kids are asleep.

Please keep her in your prayers. She is our first baby and we adore her. We know that she'll be back to running the BT 500 around the house here in a month or so.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Big Boy Bed Success!

Kyle has done wonderfully in his new Big Boy Bed! He is proud of it and loves it! He will still occasionally get up right after we put him down, but for the most part, he stays put. Now if we can just have some success in the potty training department. He will go if we put him on the potty, but won't yet tell us when he needs to go. I'm going to start really working with him soon. Wish us luck!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Big Boy Bed

It's official. Kyle is not my baby anymore. Greg converted his crib to the toddler day-bed. He slept in his crib fine last night until 2 a.m. when he decided to climb out and come out of his room.

So, tonight, Greg put him to bed and Kyle came out a few minutes later. Greg walked him back to bed and he has been asleep since. We'll see. Wish us luck!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Here We Go Again!

So, here I am attempting this blogging thing again. I really want to keep up with it. The kids are growing so fast and doing so many amazing things that I really need a place to brag about them. I know a lot of you keep up with me on Facebook, but some are not able to, I am trying to make this my main posting place.

I changed the name of the blog, so please note, it is now: kyleandbrynn.blogspot.com. I couldn't let Brynnie-bear feel left out of the blog title and I figured that Ky wouldn't mind sharing with his baby sister.

I am hoping to post a few times a week and gets videos and pics uploaded once a month. I say this, but as you all know, both kids keep me very busy. Brynn is a mama's girl and wants to be in my lap or on my hip all the time. Kyle is a busy little boy and is constantly into something which keeps me running around after him.

The kids and I had a wonderful time in Dallas over the past two weeks celebrating birthdays (Ryan, Emeri and Maggie) and the birth of my newest niece, Ellie Ann'Louise on May 18th. It was great to spend time with all of the family, but it is time to get home to League CIty and get back into our routine.

We are going to have a summer full of swimming, playdates and fun. I hope I can handle the heat!

Thanks for reading and I PROMISE to keep this blog updated!!