Sunday, June 13, 2010

Here We Go Again!

So, here I am attempting this blogging thing again. I really want to keep up with it. The kids are growing so fast and doing so many amazing things that I really need a place to brag about them. I know a lot of you keep up with me on Facebook, but some are not able to, I am trying to make this my main posting place.

I changed the name of the blog, so please note, it is now: I couldn't let Brynnie-bear feel left out of the blog title and I figured that Ky wouldn't mind sharing with his baby sister.

I am hoping to post a few times a week and gets videos and pics uploaded once a month. I say this, but as you all know, both kids keep me very busy. Brynn is a mama's girl and wants to be in my lap or on my hip all the time. Kyle is a busy little boy and is constantly into something which keeps me running around after him.

The kids and I had a wonderful time in Dallas over the past two weeks celebrating birthdays (Ryan, Emeri and Maggie) and the birth of my newest niece, Ellie Ann'Louise on May 18th. It was great to spend time with all of the family, but it is time to get home to League CIty and get back into our routine.

We are going to have a summer full of swimming, playdates and fun. I hope I can handle the heat!

Thanks for reading and I PROMISE to keep this blog updated!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY! Can't wait to read more! Love you!