Monday, February 23, 2009

Busy Day!

Kyle and I had a very busy day!  We had a playdate this morning at 10:00 which lasted until around noon.  As I was driving home from getting Greg's drycleaning, my new friend, Michele, called and wanted us to come over and play!  She is going back to work tomorrow for the first time in 9 years.  It was her last day of freedom and we were happy to share it with her.  Another of my new friends, Giselle, and her little boy were there as well.  The kids had a blast and we sat outside and enjoyed the gorgeous day!  

We got home around 4:00 and are wiped out!  Kyle is down for his first nap of the day and I am fading quickly!  We are loving all of the new friends we are making, but are still getting used to such a busy new schedule!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

We have video!

I got a new video camera last week which I love! It is the size of my cell phone and is amazing! I am finally learning to get videos downloaded onto the computer.

Here is a cute video of Kyle today.  I was reading a book to him called "Blue Hat, Green Hat" by Sandra Boynton.  It's a cute little book and has the word "OOPS!" in it a lot.  Apparently Kyle thinks this word is hilarious.  Please excuse the shaky camera.  I was trying to turn the page and get his face on camera at once.


Feeling Better!

Here are some pics of Mr. Kyle from this weekend.  He is feeling much better now!  We went to the park with our playgroup yesterday and had a lot of fun.

Here's my cutie pie:

Not feeling so well:

Relaxing on the couch with Daddy:

My little (big) boy:

Playing at the park:

Friday, February 13, 2009

Feeling Poopy!

My poor baby has the runs.  I feel so bad for him.  He is acting fine, a little more clingy than usual, but he's still his sweet self.  His appetite is fine and he's drinking lots of milk and diluted juice.  I think I'm still going to get him some pedialite just incase.

We were supposed to go to the park with some friends, but I decided to keep him home.  I'm glad that I did because I've had to change his clothes several times.  I only thought I was done with the laundry for the week.

I'm off to do another load of laundry!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fun with Scrapblog!

I love going to and creating scrapbook pages (not that I have one to put them in).

Here are a few I've done recently:



Sunday, February 8, 2009

Fun in the Sun!

It has been so gorgeous outside this weekend.  We took advantage of the sunshine and breeze and went for a walk in Kyle's new Excursion wagon.  It was his big gift from his Mimi and Grandpa for his 1st birthday.  Here are a few pictures from our walk and also a few of Kyle being cute and busy as usual!

Also, check out some pictures from Kyle's 1st birthday parties. Click on the cake-faced Kyle on the left.
